[Prev| Next| Index] 2/13/96, chard@sonic.net,Santa Rosa,Ca.USA 24 HOURS OF DEMOCRACY [Image] Let Freedom Ring By Chard Lowden I happened to walk past the family television this evening and caught a brief glimpse of an advertisement for a program on a major network that urged me not to miss the latest installment. At the bottom of the ad was a caution to viewers that the content included "Adult Language and Partial Nudity" and that "Parental Discresion is Advised". This gave me a nervous feeling that perhaps the message behind the "Decency" bill is that anything is permitted if the Mega Corporations are behind it but if it is a small guy who is not paying them, it becomes Immoral or Indecent. I recall the reason that a small band of frustrated colonists dumped a tea cargo into Boston Harbor at the birth of this Great and Free country. Those were people who decided that they did not OWE another person just to exist. They dug in their heels and said NO! They said you may NOT Dominate our existance and TAKE a piece of everything that we do and produce. Those were the people that founded this country and built the freedoms that we are watching erode. When I see these Politicans wave an issue and say that we must stop this horror while they secretly add clauses that enrich their own personal agendas, I wonder what George Washington would think of them? I imagine that he is turning in his grave as we give power to those who think in terms of how much money they can earn and how to shift the burden from the rich to the middle incomes. Let it be completely clear that I do not promote nor support the free and open distribution of pornography on the internet. However this law is not about pornography. It is about a communication medium that until now has been By the People , Of the People , And For the People. What this is about is control of a MEDIA and since the online companies and the established "Media" were unsucessful in their attempts to take over the internet by sending out thousands of copies of "FREE" software the next step is to take over by Legislation. I fear that the small business that many of us are trying to start here on the internet will be swept away by this and that we will be put under the control of those that we seek to compete with. It is up to us to send a message to Congress, the President, and Big Business. That message must be NO! YOU may NOT dominate our existance and TAKE a piece of everything that we produce! You may not have our Freedom. We owe it to the man whom we celebrate as the Father of our country. We owe it to ourselves, and we owe it to our children. Surely we must defend the morals of those children, but not at the cost of their FREEDOM. Keywords: Santa Rosa, California, http://www.sonic.net/~chard